This version of the TEI Guidelines introduces new features and resolves a number of issues raised by the TEI community. As always, the majority of these changes and corrections are a consequence of feature requests or bugs reported by the TEI community using the SourceForge tracking system. If you find something you think needs to change in the TEI Guidelines, schemas, tools, or website, please submit a feature request or bug ticket at for consideration. Lists of closed bugs and closed feature requests are available on the site.
Some of the more noticeable changes in this release include:
- Chapter 5 has been expanded to include new recommendations and suggestions for handling text directionality and writing modes, including vertical text.
- Bibliography links in the Guidelines now appear in a pop-up box on the same page instead of jumping to the Bibliography page (if you have Javascript enabled in your browser).
- The resp element now claims membership in att.datable per
- The use of altIdentifier as a direct child of msPart is now deprecated per to be removed 2016-09-09.
- Dozens of links to external resources that have moved or disappeared have been fixed or replaced.
- Global elements were added to the content model of personGrp so that it matches more closely the permitted content of person, per
- ‘e-mail’ is now consistently spelled ‘email’ per
- Several bibliographic entries for examples were added.
- The deprecated form attribute of the quotation element was removed.
- A more detailed explanation the difference between datingMethod and calendar was added per
- The constraintSpec element is now allowed inside specGrp per
- The discussion of stand-off markup, in particular of the TEI XPointer schemes, has been expanded and improved.
- msDesc now claims membership in att.declaring (and thus gets the decls attribute).
- Vestiges of the ‘mandatory when applicable’ and ‘recommended when applicable’ attribute usage statuses were removed per
- Schematron validation now confirms that multiple pointers appear in the target attribute on either join or link, and that only a single pointer appears in the from and to attributes of span per
- The escape to indicate a dollar sign in the value of replacementPattern was changed from
to $$
per - The content model of summary was changed from macro.phraseSeq to macro.specialPara, thus allowing children like cit and quote per
- availability has been added to model.biblPart and directly to the content models of series, analytic, and monogr as per
- The descriptions of biblScope, citedRange and locus now explain how to cite single pages or ranges that only specify an initial location per
- The Guidelines no longer assert on the title page that they are published in Charlottesville, Virginia.
- rs is now a member of att.responsibility, thus giving it the cert and resp attributes per
- The medium attribute of att.handFeatures (and thus of the handNote, handShift, scriptNote, and typeNote elements) now permits multiple values from its enumerated list of values.
- The prose of the Guidelines and the element specification for list have been changed to differentiate between the type attribute, which should be used to identify the category of list, and the rendering attributes (rend, style, and rendition) which should be used to indicate how the list is rendered. Per
- The element specification for education was enhanced to show an example using the from and to attributes as well as the notBefore and notAfter attributes, to suggest more precise ways of indicating dates, if appropriate. Per
- The new attribute is now mandatory on the shift element as per
- The content model of geogFeat and offset is now macro.phraseSeq, making them parallel to geogName per
- The listRelation element and members of model.headLike are now permitted as children of listRelation per
- A new metadata element, punctuation, has been added to model.editorialDeclPart for describing editorial practice with respect to punctuation marks.
- The surfaceGrp element was removed from att.coordinated, thus losing the start, ulx, uly, lrx, lry, and points attributes, per
- The discussion of the content of publicationStmt was altered to match the schema per
- And, of course, dozens of typos were corrected.
In addition, improvements have been made to the XSL stylesheets (which provide processing of TEI ODD files for Roma and OxGarage as well as other TEI conversions). The Stylesheets are maintained separately from the Guidelines and are at