Release 3.4.0 (code name: Dog Days) of the TEI Guidelines introduces new features and resolves a number of issues raised by the TEI community. As always, the majority of these changes and corrections are a consequence of feature requests or bugs reported by the TEI community using the GitHub tracking system. A full list of the issues resolved in the course of this release cycle may be found under the 3.4.0 milestone.
Highlights of this release include:
- A new element path has been introduced. It can be used for the encoding of individual non-closed lines within a surface or zone (#1453).
- The section on the content element in the Guidelines has been rewritten and improved (#1459 and #1718).
- A new element, unit, has been added for encoding units of measurement in any kind of formal or informal system (#1461).
- The values of the unit attribute have been harmonized for more consistency (#1630).
- The description of classDecl has been revised and an example added in the Guidelines (#1640).
- The model.physDescPart has been moved from the TEI module to the msDescription module (#1650).
- To allow for the encoding of information about whom a speech act or physical action is directed to, a new attribute class, att.ascribed.directed, has been added. It provides several elements with the new toWhom attribute (#1679).
- The streams attribute has been added to layout for indicating the number of text streams per page (#1687).
- After adjustments to the content model and membership, the elements pc and lbl can now occur directly as a child of the elements entry and hom (#1702).
- The unused datatype teidata.percentage has been removed, including all references and mentions (#1706).
- The type attribute is now deprecated on the macroSpec element (#1737).
- The figure element has been made a member of att.written to indicate different authors of drawings and the like in a manuscript (#1765).
- The documentation of the attribute class att.linguistic has been extended, especially by providing documentation inside the "Simple Analytic Mechanism" chapter (#1753 and #1754).
- Vestigal references to macro.schemaPattern in the schemas, exemplars, and English prose have been removed (#1768).
- The elements publisher, distributor and authority are members of att.canonical now (#1775).
Dozens of wording improvements and corrections of typographic errors have been made to the Guidelines.
Furthermore, a number of translations have been added or updated
In addition, many improvements have been made to the XSLT stylesheets (which provide processing of TEI ODD files for Roma and OxGarage as well as other TEI conversions). The Stylesheets are maintained separately from the Guidelines and are at