TEI Bylaws12 August 2023Restored to TEI from Wordpress by Elisa Beshero-BondarPart of the official TEI Consortium WebsiteContents are derived from TEI Consortium website representation of the Bylaws in
Wordpress in August 2023.From 2013 to 2023, the Bylaws were maintained in Wordpress which bears traces of the TEI
header and its changelog from the version of 2013. As of 2023, the version in Wordpress
was marked, 2013 Revision. Edited from online version, last updated 2011-08-09,
but it was amended in subsequent years, regrettably without a changelog due to the
Wordpress format. Restoring these Bylaws to TEI format allows for more robust
preservation of our consortium’s history and policies, in keeping with the principles of
the TEI Consortium. In restoring the Bylaws to TEI, elements and structure for this 2023
edition were chosen in consultation with a version from 2000 edition and remnants of the
changelog visible in the Wordpress encoding. XML comments visible in the Wordpress
encoding are preserved here.2013 Revision. Edited from online version, last updated 2011-08-09.
Corrections and comments from Kevin and
Brett. Revised and simplified for presentation and vote at
2013 Members Meeting.Friday, 19 January, 2011. Daniel Paul
O'Donnell. Copied approved Language to official site.Wednesday, 12 January, 2011. Daniel Paul
O'Donnell. Added overlooked language on officer terms.Friday, 07 January, 2011. Daniel Paul
O'Donnell. Implemented changes recommended by the board upon adoption
in principle at November meeting.Friday, 8 October, 2010. Daniel Paul
O'Donnell. Edited proposal to reflect suggestions from Board
discussion.Wednesday, 28 September, 2010. Daniel Paul
O'Donnell. Initial proposals for implementing approval in principle of
reorganisation of board and hosts as approved in email vote ending on September 25,
2010.Wednesday, 19 December, 2007. Daniel Paul
O'Donnell. Finalised text as approved by board at bm23.Thursday, 26 November 2007. Chris
Ruotolo. Changed text as suggested by Julia
Flanders.Thursday, 22 November 2007, 20:25 MST. Dan
O'Donnell changed text as proposed by SB and did comparison with
original bylaws to make sure all differences are noted.Sunday, 18 November 07, 12:13 MST. Dan
O'Donnell changed text as proposed by SR and LB.Saturday, 17 November 07. Dan O'Donnell
Proposed deletions and revisions to 2000-11-28 final draft. Thu, 24 Aug 07. Chris Ruotolo Converted
to TEI P5.TEI BylawsThese Bylaws are those proposed at the time of incorporation as subsequently revised.
They may be revised further by the TEI Board, as described in Article 7Article 7 below. The Bylaws specify classes of
membershipclasses of
membership, conduct of meetings of the Consortium
Membersconduct of meetings of the Consortium
Members, appointment and responsibilities of
Consortium Officersappointment and responsibilities of
Consortium Officers, constitution and
responsibilities of the Board of Directorsconstitution and
responsibilities of the Board of Directors, constitution and responsibilities of the Technical Councilconstitution and responsibilities of the Technical Council, and funding of Consortium activitiesfunding of Consortium activities.Article I. Members1. Classes of Membership.There shall be two classes of membership in the TEI Consortium: individual
membership and institutional membership. Any form of institution, consortium,
organization, project or company may become an Institutional Member. Only
private individuals may become Individual Members. Institutional Members shall
have the right to vote in all TEI elections, in particular to elect members of
the TEI Board of Directors and to elect members of the TEI Technical Council.
Individual Members shall have the right to elect members of the TEI Technical
Council. Both classes of Member shall be equally eligible for such other
membership benefits as the TEI Board of Directors may determine from time to
time, including but not limited to preferential rates for attendance at
TEI-sponsored events, discounted rates for purchase of TEI-related services or
software, or similar.2. Application and Dues.Any organization or individual wishing to become a Member of the TEI Consortium
may apply by submitting an application, in form prescribed by the Board of
Directors to the Secretary of the Consortium or other Officer. Individual and
Institutional Members shall pay membership dues in such amounts and at such
intervals as determined by the Board of Directors from time to time. Notice of
any dues increase approved by the Board of Directors shall be provided to
Members at least 60 days prior to the annual billing date for dues. No Member
shall be entitled to a refund of any dues or other charges or assessments upon
resignation or termination.3. Duration.Each Member may hold membership as long as such Member remains qualified for
membership, except that membership may be sooner terminated by suspension or
expulsion as provided in Clause 4Clause 4 of this
Article or by resignation as provided in Clause
5 of this Article.4. Termination.The Board of Directors may terminate a membership in the Consortium upon a
good-faith finding of (a) misconduct by such Member reflecting discredit upon
the Consortium or (b) violation of these Bylaws (including but not limited to
the nonpayment of dues or other required charges or assessments).5. Resignation.Any Member may resign from the Consortium by delivering written notice of
resignation to the Secretary. Such resignation shall be effective upon the
Secretary's receipt of such written notice.Article II: Meetings of Members1. Meetings.Meetings of the Members shall be held not less than once a year, on such dates
and at such places as the Board of Directors may designate from time to time.
The last meeting before December 31 in any year shall be designated the Annual
Meeting for that year. At the Annual Meeting, both the Board of Directors and
the Technical Council shall report to the membership on the operation of the
Consortium during the preceding year. The results of annual elections will also
be presented at this Annual Meeting.2. Special Meetings.A Special Meeting of Members may be called by the Board of Directors at its
discretion or upon written request to the Secretary by one-third or more of the
Institutional Members of the Consortium. No business other than that specified
in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted at any Special Meeting of the
Members.3. Voting.Members shall be entitled to voting rights as provided in Article I of these
Bylaws. Only designated Electors shall be permitted to vote. For Individual
Members, the Member shall be the Elector and their vote is not transferable to
any other person, except by means of a Proxy as defined below.For Institutional
Members, a named individual, specified at the time of taking up or renewing
membership shall be designated the Elector. It is the responsibility of the
Institutional Member to ensure that the Secretary of the Consortium is provided
with a current contact address for its Elector. In the event that a member
wishes to change its designated Elector, the original applicant for that
Institutional Member must deliver written notice to the Secretary of the
Consortium, identifying (with full contact information) both the original
Elector and the new Elector, and stating that electoral rights should be
transferred from the former to the latter. Such notice shall be given not less
than fourteen (14) days before the date of the first Meeting in which the
member wishes its new Elector to be entitled to vote. In the event that an
Institutional Member has designated neither an Elector nor a Proxy at least
fourteen (14) days before a Meeting, the Member's vote shall not be cast at
that Meeting.A Member may designate a Proxy voter. Where votes are to be cast
by means of a Proxy, details of that Proxy shall be returned to the Secretary
by the time designated in the material sent with the notice of Meeting, as
defined in Clause 4 belowClause 4 below.4. Notice of Meetings.A written notice stating the place, day and hour of the Meeting, and, in the
case of a Special Meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the Meeting is
called ("Notice") shall be given not less than twenty-one (21) days nor more
than sixty (60) days before the date of the Meeting to each designated Elector
entitled to vote at the Meeting.5. Quorum.A quorum is required before any vote may be taken at any Meeting of the Members
The quorum required shall be one-third of the total number of Members entitled
to vote. The number of Electors present in person or by proxy, or having
previously cast a vote by electronic ballot, shall constitute the quorum. Where
a quorum is present, the vote of a majority of the Members entitled to vote at
a Meeting shall be necessary and sufficient for the adoption of any matter
voted upon by the Members, unless a greater vote of the Members is required by
law or these Bylaws. In the event quorum is not achieved at a Meeting of the
Members, the issue in question may be passed to the Board for resolution or
deferred to a subsequent Meeting of the Members.6. Nominating Committee.Not less than three months prior to the notice date for each Annual Meeting of
the Members, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee
consisting of two (2) or more of the Directors, one of whom the Board shall
designate as the Chair of the Nominating Committee.The Nominating Committee
shall solicit Members and others for nominees, and those nominating such
candidates shall provide the Nominating Committee with written confirmation
that each candidate, if elected, is willing to serve. Such candidates shall
then be included on the slate of candidates proposed by the Nominating
Committee. The Nominating Committee shall propose candidates for each vacancy
on the Board of Directors and Technical Council. The slate of candidates
proposed by the Nominating Committee shall be contained in the notice of the
Annual Meeting.Article III: Officers1. Officers of the Consortium.The following Officers shall discharge the affairs of the Consortium: Chair of the BoardChair of the Technical CouncilBoard SecretaryMembership SecretaryTreasurer Unless otherwise stated in these Bylaws, the Board of Directors may
appoint Officers from its own membership or elsewhere and may also appoint such
additional non-voting Officers as it deems necessary or appropriate from time
to time.The Officers of the Consortium shall have the respective powers set forth
herein and as otherwise provided by resolution of the Board of Directors.
Notwithstanding any other provision herein, the power to set salaries and fees
of employees and independent contractors shall reside in the Board of Directors
and not in any Officer or Officers.All Officers of the Consortium shall be appointed for a maximum term of two
years with possibility of reelection to subsequent two-year terms.2. Chair of the Board.The Chair of the Board shall be elected by the Board of Directors from its
membership and shall serve as the chief executive officer of the Consortium. If
no Director is able or willing to assume the chair, the Directors may request
the Technical Council to second one of its elected members to the role, or it
may nominate a non-elected individual. Subject to the direction of the Board of
Directors, the Chair will generally supervise and manage the affairs of the
Consortium. In general, the Chair shall perform all duties customary to the
office of Chair, shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board of
Directors are carried out, and shall oversee the other Officers in the
discharge of their duties. The Chair shall, if present, preside at all meetings
of the Board of Directors and of the Members.3. Chair of the Technical Council.The Chair of the Technical Council shall be elected by the voting Members of
the TEI-C Technical CouncilTEI-C Technical Council from its membership
and shall serve as the chief technical officer of the Consortium. If no
Technical Council Member is able or willing to assume the chair, the Technical
Council may request the Board of Directors to second one of its elected members
to the role, or it may nominate a non-elected individual. The Chair of the
Technical Council shall be an ex-officio non-voting Director, responsible to
the Consortium for its technical activities, notably the maintenance and
development of the Guidelines.The Council Chair shall, if present, preside at
all meetings of the Technical Council and report on its activities to the Board
of Directors and at Meetings of the Members.4. Board Secretary.The Board Secretary shall be elected by the Board of Directors from its
membership. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all Meetings of the Members
and of the Board of Directors, serve all notices, present all pertinent
communications before the proper committees, shall be custodian of the records,
shall attest the seal of the Consortium on all contracts and agreements
required by law to be under seal as authorized by the Board of Directors, shall
conduct the correspondence incident to this office and shall perform such other
duties as the Board of Directors may require. In the absence of the Chair, the
Secretary shall carry out the Chair's duties at meetings. In the event the
position of Chair becomes vacant, the secretary shall carry out the Chair's
duties as set forth above, until the Board elects or appoints a successor
Chair.5. Membership Secretary.The Membership Secretary shall be responsible for the recruitment and
maintenance of the Member rolls and direction and development of membership
benefits and programmes. The Membership Secretary shall assist the Treasurer in
annual invoicing. In addition to day-to-day activity, the Membership Secretary
shall also be responsible for the strategic development of the membership.6. Treasurer.The Treasurer shall collect, have custody of and be responsible for all funds
of the Consortium, shall keep an accurate account of such funds, shall pay all
just bills when due and funds are available, and shall prepare and submit such
financial reports as are legally required by the fiscal authorities. In
addition the Treasurer shall report to the Membership on the financial affairs
of the Consortium during the past year at the Annual Meeting. All checks,
drafts, invoices, notices and orders for the payment or receipt of money issued
by the Consortium and other similar documents requiring the signature of the
Consortium shall be signed by the Treasurer or by such other person or persons
as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate for this purpose.Article IV: Board of DirectorsThe TEI Board of Directors shall determine overall policy directions for the
Consortium and is also responsible for managing and promoting membership in the
Consortium.1. Directors.The Board of Directors shall consist of no more than five (5) voting Directors,
elected by the membership as described in Article IIArticle II. Additional non-voting appointments to
the Board may be made by the Board as necessary for the efficient conduct of
its business. Only Board Directors elected by the membership as described in
Article IIArticle II shall be eligible to vote in Board
decisions.Candidates need not be Individual Members of the Consortium in order
to be nominated and elected to serve on the Board of Directors, nor need they
be affiliated with an Institutional Member of the Consortium. No decrease in the
number of elected Directors shall affect the tenure of any incumbent Director.
Any vacancy among the elected membership of the Board shall be filled by the
vote of Members in normal or special elections.2. Term.Each Director shall be elected for a term of three (3) years, or in the case of
election or appointment to fill a vacancy between regular elections, for the
term remaining for the vacant position. Terms of office begin at the following
January 1 and end on December 31.3. Elections.At each Annual Meeting the Institutional Members shall elect candidates to any
of the elected positions on the Board of Directors due to be vacated. In the
election of Directors each elected position shall be voted on as a separate
matter with each member entitled to vote receiving one vote for each such
position.4. Meetings.Meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at such time and place as the
Board of Directors may by resolution designate. Directors may attend Board
meetings by telephonic or other two-way connection provided that any Director
not physically present can hear, and be heard by, all those participating in
such meeting, and a Director so participating shall be deemed present for
quorum purposes.Special meetings may be called by the Chair or any combination
of Directors constituting at least one-third of the total number of Directors
then in office. In the case of a special meeting of the Board, no business
other than that specified in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted,
unless all members of the Board are present at such meeting and consent to the
transaction of such other business.5. Quorum.A majority of the elected Directors shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business.6. Notice of Meetings.Notice of all meetings of the Board of Directors shall be required at least
seven (7) days prior to regular meetings and at least fourteen (14) days prior
to special meetings. The notice shall state the date, time, and place of the
meeting and the purpose thereof and shall be delivered to each Director at the
address registered for them by the Secretary.Article V: FundsFunds for meeting the expenses of the Consortium may be provided in such manner as
the Board of Directors may determine, including without limitation such annual or
other periodic membership dues as may be fixed from time to time by the Board of
Directors and specified in a Membership Agreement to be signed by each new Member
of the Consortium, and such charges for meetings, seminars, and publications as
may be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors. Charges other than for
membership dues and assessments may be set on a per-person basis or any other
basis deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.Article VI: Technical CouncilThe Technical Council shall superintend the technical work of the Consortium, in
particular (but not only) by monitoring, evaluating, and acting upon requests from
the TEI Community for new features and correction of errors in the TEI
Guidelines.1. Membership.The Technical Council shall consist of eleven (11) Council Members elected by
the membership, as described in Article IIArticle II.
Additional non-voting Council Members may be appointed or co-opted as necessary
for the efficient conduct of business. Only Council Members elected by the
membership as described in Article IIArticle II shall be
eligible to vote in Technical Council decisions. Candidates need not be
Individual Members of the Consortium in order to be nominated and elected to
serve on the Technical Council, nor need they be affiliated with an
Institutional Member of the Consortium.2. Term.Each Technical Council Member shall be elected for a three-year term, or in the
case of an election or appointment to fill a vacancy between regular elections,
for the term remaining for the vacant position. Terms of office begin at the
following January 1 and end on December 31.3. Elections.At each Annual Meeting both Institutional and Individual members shall elect
candidates to any of the elected positions due to be vacated on the Technical
Council. In the election of Council Members each elected position shall be
voted on as a separate matter with each Member entitled to vote receiving one
vote for each such position.4. Meetings.Regular meetings of the Technical Council shall be held at such time and place
as necessary to carry out its work programme. The bulk of the Technical
Council's work programme shall be carried out by electronic or telephonic
means, but at least one meeting shall be held face to face each year. The
Technical Council may be convened upon call of the Chair, at the request of a
majority of its members, at a time and place designated by resolution of the
Technical Council. Council Members may attend Technical Council meetings by
telephonic or other two-way connection provided that those not physically
present can hear, and be heard by, all those participating in such meeting, and
a Council Member so participating shall be deemed present for quorum purposes.A
record of all business transacted at the meetings of the Technical Council
shall be kept, and shall be made publicly available.5. Quorum.A majority of the elected Technical Council Members shall constitute a
quorum.6. Working Groups.The work of the Technical Council shall be to collect, propose, evaluate, and
implement editorial changes to the TEI Guidelines (and its derivatives), to
assist in technical endeavours of the TEI-C, and to provide consultation to the
Board of Directors on technical matters or other areas of interest. The
Technical Council may delegate any of these functions to appointed working
groups or committees at its discretion. The Technical Council shall also have
the power to create working groups or appoint non-voting staff and advisors
with a fixed term and a specific charter. Where Consortium funding for such
workgroups or staff is required this shall be subject to prior approval of the
Board.Article VII: AmendmentsThese Bylaws may be repealed or amended or new Bylaws adopted by affirmative vote
of at least one-half of the Members of Consortium voting in person or by proxy at
a regular or Special Meeting, or, to the extent permitted by law and not in
conflict with the Articles of Incorporation, by a true majority of the Board of
Directors then in office acting at a regular or Special Meeting, or by unanimous
written consent of the Board. With respect to any Meeting of Members at which a
Bylaw change is to be put to a vote, notice of such proposed change to the Bylaws,
including the text thereof, shall be included in the notice given for such
Meeting. With respect to any Board meeting at which a Bylaw change is to be put to
a vote, notice of such proposed Bylaw change, including the text thereof, shall be
given twenty-one (21) days before the date of such Meeting, by any of the various
means set forth in Article IIArticle II, above.