17 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
- 17.1 Links
- 17.2 Pointing Mechanisms
- 17.3 Blocks, Segments, and Anchors
- 17.4 Synchronization
- 17.5 Correspondence and Alignment
- 17.6 Identical Elements and Virtual Copies
- 17.7 Aggregation
- 17.8 Alternation
- 17.9 Stand-off Markup
- 17.10 The standOff Container
- 17.11 Annotations
- 17.12 Connecting Analytic and Textual Markup
- 17.13 Module for Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
This chapter discusses a number of ways in which encoders may represent analyses of the structure of a text which are not necessarily linear or hierarchic. The module defined by this chapter provides for the following common requirements:
- to link disparate elements using the xml:id attribute (section 17.1 Links);
- to link disparate elements without using the xml:id attribute (sections 17.2.1 Pointing Elsewhere and 17.2.4 TEI XPointer Schemes);
- to segment text into elements convenient for the encoder and to mark arbitrary points within documents (section 17.3 Blocks, Segments, and Anchors);
- to represent correspondence or alignment among groups of text elements, both those with content and those which are empty (section 17.5 Correspondence and Alignment);62
- to synchronize elements of a text, that is to represent temporal correspondences and alignments among text elements (section 17.4 Synchronization) and also to align them with specific points in time (section 17.4.2 Placing Synchronous Events in Time);
- to specify that one text element is identical to or a copy of another (section 17.6 Identical Elements and Virtual Copies);
- to aggregate possibly noncontiguous elements (section 17.7 Aggregation);
- to specify that different elements are alternatives to one another and to express preferences among the alternatives (section 17.8 Alternation);
- to store markup separately from the data it describes or is related to (section 17.9 Stand-off Markup);
- to associate segments of a text with interpretations or analyses of their significance (section 17.12 Connecting Analytic and Textual Markup);
- to group together elements used to provide stand-off annotation, including contextual information (section 17.10 The standOff Container).
These facilities all use the same set of techniques based on the W3C XPointer framework (Grosso et al. (eds.) (2003)) This provides a variety of schemes; the most convenient of which, and that recommended by these Guidelines, makes use of the global xml:id attribute, as defined in section Global Attributes, and introduced in the section of v. A Gentle Introduction to XML titled Identifiers and Indicators. When the linking module is included in a schema, the attribute class att.global is extended to include eight additional attributes to support the various kinds of linking listed above. Each of these attributes is introduced in the appropriate section below. In addition, for many of the topics discussed, a choice of methods of encoding is offered, ranging from simple but less general ones, which use attribute values only, to more elaborate and more general ones, which use specialized elements.
TEI: Links⚓︎17.1 Links
We say that one element points to others if the first has an attribute whose value is a reference to the others: such an element is called a pointer element, or simply a pointer. Among the pointers that have been introduced up to this point in these Guidelines are note, ref, and ptr. These elements all indicate an association between one place in the document (the location of the pointer itself) and one or more others (the elements whose identifiers are specified by the pointer's target attribute). The module described in this chapter introduces a variation on this basic kind of pointer, known as a link, which specifies both ‘ends’ of an association. In addition, we define a syntax for representing locations in a document by a variety of means not dependent on the use of xml:id attributes.
TEI: Pointers and Links⚓︎17.1.1 Pointers and Links
In section 3.7 Simple Links and Cross-References we introduced the simplest pointer elements, ptr and ref. Here we introduce additionally the link element, which represents an association between two (or more) locations by specifying each location explicitly. Its own location is irrelevant to the intended linkage. All three elements use the attribute target, provided by the att.pointing class as a means of indicating the location or locations referenced or pointed to.
- att.pointing define un conjunto de atributos usados por todos los elementos que señalan a otros
elementos a través de uno o más URI.
target especifica la destinación de una referencia proporcionando una o más referencias URI. - link (link) define una asociación o vínculo hipertextual entre elementos o fragmentos de texto que no es especificable por otros elementos.
The ptr element may be called a ‘pure pointer’, because its primary function is simply to point. A pointer sets up a connection between an element (which, in the case of a pure pointer, is simply a location in a document), and one or more others, known collectively as its target. The ptr and ref elements point, conceptually, at a single target, even if that target may be discontinuous in the document. The link element specifies at least two targets and represents an association between them, independent of its own location.
These three elements also share a common set of attributes, derived from the att.pointing and att.typed classes:
- att.pointing define un conjunto de atributos usados por todos los elementos que señalan a otros
elementos a través de uno o más URI.
evaluate (evaluate) indica el significado previsto cuando la meta de un indicador es también un indicador. - att.typed proporciona atributos genéricos utilizables para cualquier clasificación o subclasificación
de elementos.
type caracteriza el elemento utilizando una clasificación o tipología funcional. subtype (subtype) proporciona, si es necesario, una subcategorización del elemento.
As noted elsewhere, the target attribute may take as value one or more URI reference. In the simplest case, each such reference will indicate an element in the current document (or in some other document), for example by supplying the value used for its global xml:id attribute. It may however carry as value any form of URI, such as a URL pointing to some other document or location on the Internet. Pointing or linking to external documents and pointing and linking where identifiers are not available is described below in section 17.2 Pointing Mechanisms.
TEI: Using Pointers and Links⚓︎17.1.2 Using Pointers and Links

<l>The Goddess smiles on Whig and Tory race,</l>
<note type="imitation" place="bottom">
<bibl>Virg. Æn. 10.</bibl>
<l>Tros Rutulusve fuat; nullo discrimine habebo.</l>
<l>—— Rex Jupiter omnibus idem.</l>
</note>'Tis the same rope at sev'ral ends they twist,
<l>To Dulness, Ridpath is as dear as Mist)</l>
This use of the note element can be called implicit pointing (or implicit linking). It relies on the juxtaposition of the note to the text being commented on for the connection to be understood. If it is felt that the mere juxtaposition of the note to the text does not make it sufficiently clear exactly what text segment is being commented on (for example, is it the immediately preceding line, or the immediately preceding two lines, or what?), or if it is decided to place the note at some distance from the text, then the pointing or the linking must be made explicit. We now consider various methods for doing that.